Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Foods That Can Be Safely Consumed During Fasting

according to Mercola

So is it ok to eat whey protein during fasting? What other foods could be safely consumed during the fast? How often can you eat these foods and how much?

In the Warrior Diet Book, I introduced the concept of “undereating” as a viable alternative to water fasting. Undereating means minimizing your food intake to small servings of specific foods, which you’re allowed to consume in a certain frequency during your fast. If done properly, undereating can yield the same benefits of fasting and even more. Let me explain.

Most foods negate the effects of fasting, but there are some exceptions. Some foods can be safely eaten without compromising your fast. These include fast assimilating nutrient-dense foods such as quality whey protein, green vegetables and berries. But you need to know how much you’re allowed to consume and how often.

What makes these foods complimentary to fasting are the following properties:

  • They’re rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients
  • They target the same genes as fasting
  • They induce similar effects to those you get from fasting


Having small servings of whey protein, green vegetables or berries during your fast isn’t just ok, it may actually increase the benefits you get from fasting.

Being fast assimilating, these foods nourish your body without taxing your digestion, as they enhance the anti-inflammatory and metabolic modulating effects of your fasting. They also increase your body’s antioxidant defenses against reactive oxygen species (ROS) which tend to accumulate in your body during fasting and exercise as byproducts of fat breakdown and detox. ROS are unstable and highly reactive molecules which search, bind to, and destroy cellular lipids, proteins and DNA. The above foods help protect your body from that oxidative damage.

Most importantly, non-denatured whey protein, green vegetables and berries contain nutrients (antioxidant polyphenols, flavons, resveratrol, cyanidins, indoles, in plants; leucine, calcium and immune factors in whey) that target the same genes and pathways as fasting and exercise. Most notable among these are the SIRT-1 gene (the longevity gene) and the transcriptional co-activator PGC-1α, known to counteract oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways associated with declined health and increased mortality. SIRT-1 and PGC-1α increase mitochondrial biogenesis and thereby prevent the typical decline in mitochondrial function (and decreased cellular energy) associated with aging and disease.

his main points of the article were

  • The one meal per day is the only regimen that can maximize the benefits of your IF on a daily basis.
  • Eat your main meal at night to accommodate your circadian clock.
  • Whey protein, berries and greens compliment your fast if you know how much to consume and how often.
  • If you exercise during the day, have a recovery meal after your workout consisting of whey protein with no sugar added.
  • If you’re engaged in super intense training, have a pre-workout meal consisting of whey protein and berries.
  • If you’re engaged in prolonged intense training, have a bowl of oatmeal with your whey protein about an hour before your workout.



The post Foods That Can Be Safely Consumed During Fasting appeared first on My Blog.

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