the ketogenic diet is a low carb high fat diet where you switch from sugar as a fuel source to fat. unfortunately not all LCHF diets are ketogenic since they dont always lead to ketosis
What Is Ketosis?
Ketosis means that the body is in a state where it doesn’t have enough glucose available to use as energy, so switches into a state where molecules called ketones are generated during fat metabolism. Ketones can be used for energy, and have a special property — they can be used instead of glucose for most of the energy needed in the brain, where fatty acids can’t be used.
Also, some tissues of the body “prefer” using ketones, in that they will use them when available (for example, heart muscle will use one ketone in particular for fuel when possible). For more information, see:
What is Ketosis?
What Are Ketones?
Does Ketosis Have Any Negative Effects?
The ketosis produced by fasting or limiting carbohydrate intake does not have negative effects in most people once the body has adapted to that state.
The confusion on this point is mainly due to the fact that people who lack insulin, mainly Type 1 diabetics or insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetics, can get into a dangerous state called diabetic ketoacidosis. In ketoacidosis, ketones levels are much higher than in the ketosis produced by diet. The ketosis caused by diet has been referred to as dietary ketosis, physiological ketosis, benign dietary ketosis (Atkins), and, most recently, nutritional ketosis (Phinney and Volek), in an attempt to clear up possible confusion with ketoacidosis.
A second source of confusion is that there is a transition period while the body is adapting to using fats and ketones instead of glucose as its main fuel. There can be negative symptoms during this period (fatique, weakness, light-headedness, headaches, mild irritability), but they usually can be eased fairly easily. Most are over by the first week of a ketogenic diet, though some may extend to two weeks. Athletes who closely track their performance may notice more subtle effects up to 6-8 weeks from the start of the diet, and there is some evidence that it may take even longer, up to 12 weeks, for 100% adaptation.
Why Do People Go on Ketogenic Diets?
Ketogenic diets are becoming more popular, and for a variety of reasons. In addition to weight loss, they are beginning to be studied as a treatment or prevention for other conditions. They are already well-established as a treatment for epilepsy, and researchers are interested in uses for other neurological conditions.. A June 2013 paper in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition listed the following conditions as possibly being helped by ketogenic diets:
Strong Evidence
Overweight and Obesity (weight reduction)
Type 2 Diabetes
Cardiovascular Risk Factors (particularly improving triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and patterns of LDL cholesterol most associated with arterial plaque)
Emerging Evidence (some evidence with more research in progress)
Neurological Diseases other than epilepsy, including Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, narcolepsy, brain trauma, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Some types of cancer (especially, perhaps, some types of brain cancer)
OUR List of top keto foods is as follows: Number 1 keto food
The post top 5 ketogenic foods appeared first on intermittent fasting Blog.
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